Rollschuh Tanz/Rollerskate Dance

Roller Skating Dance course International WHEELCOME in Münster on Rollerskates

You want to brush up on your skating skills? Learn to dance on rollerskates? - Let's meet, connect to other members of university and town, build up a community and explore Münster.

This course includes:

  • Indoor skate training - how to skate and stop: learn or revise the basics. From warming up, skating straight ahead and turning around obstacles, we are going to learn all the necessary skills. Besides you will get to know all other participants well.

  • Indoor dance skating – learn to balance and move cool. Various difficult dance steps convey good posture and muscle building.

  • Outdoor Welcome Tour - you will get to know exciting science and sport spots in Münster. The date as well as length and destinations of the route will be agreed with the participants.

Target group: new - and old (-: university members

Level F/A: This training is aimed at people with more or less skating experience who like to learn (dance) skatingskating. It is primarily intended for roller skating, but you can also go with inline skates.

Requirements: Bring skates and the protection you feel comfortable with. Small numbers of roller skates available for hire on request.

Sunday 23.10. from 4.00 to 5.30 pm, ongoing in Semester, every Sunday 4.00 to 5.30 pm




Target group: everyone who is enthusiastic about rollerskating, interested  in dancing on 8 wheels and looking forward to spending time with other skaters in a friendly environment.

Level F: This training is aimed at people with general skating experience who would like to learn how to dance on skates as well as experienced jamskaters. Roller skaters as well as inline skaters are welcome.

Requirements: Please bring skates and the protection you feel comfortable with. Alternatively, we are happy to provide you with the gear you need for the day (if available).

Costs: For participants of the regular Roller Skating Dance course, the workshop is for free. All of the rest, have to register.


Information: WHEELCOME Projekt, Maria Homeyer


Du bist dir nicht sicher, ob die Sportart deinen Erwartungen entspricht? Über unsere neue Sportskala erfährst du, welche Anforderungen bei den Anfängerkursen der Sportart bestehen.







Die Angaben unserer Sportskala beziehen sich auf die Eigenheiten und Anforderungen von Anfängerkursen. Fortgeschrittenenkurse, Kursspecials, etc. können davon leicht abweichen. Auch bei einem prototypischen Kursformat treffen die Skalenwerte nicht immer zu 100 Prozent zu, aber für eine grobe Orientierung und erste Idee der Sportart können sie sehr hilfreich sein. Detaillierte Infos zu unserer Sportskala haben wir auf einer Übersichtsseite zusammengefasst.

205000Welcome on wheels01.04.-16.07.entgeltfreiabgelaufen
205001Welcome on wheelsSo15:30-17:30SCH SH23.04.-16.07.Dima Holeava, Silke Maria Homeyer
20/ 30/ 39/ 49 €
20 EUR
für Studierende

30 EUR
für Beschäftigte

39 EUR
für Alumni

49 EUR
für Gäste